Third Reich
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von Manstein Erich
von Manstein (November 24, 1887 - June 11, 1973) was a
general, and later a Field Marshal, in the German Army
during World War II. He was famous for repeatedly
standing up to Hitler on various issues, often with the
rest of the General Staff watching. Although this would
normally lead to his swift removal, Manstein was one of a
very few generals who had repeatedly proved themselves in
Hitler's eyes. Eventually even Hitler had enough of him,
and he was dismissed in 1944.
Manstein was born Erich von Lewinski in Berlin, the tenth
child of Prussian aristocrat and artillery general Eduard
von Lewinski. His parents died and he was adopted by his
uncle, General Georg von Manstein. His career in the
military was assured from birth. As a child he spent six
years in the cadet corps, and then joined the 3rd
Footguards in 1906 as ensign. In 1913 he entered the War
Academy and was promoted to Lieutenant in 1914.
When World War I started he served briefly on the Western
Front in Belgium, but was soon sent to the Eastern Front
in Poland. There he was wounded in 1914 and returned to
duty in 1915, promoted to Captain and remained as staff
officer until the end of the war in 1918. In 1918, he
volunteered for the staff position in Frontier Defence
Force in Breslau (Wroclaw) and served there until 1919
He then took part in the process of creating the
Reichswehr. He was promoted Company commander in 1920,
and Corps Commander in 1922. In 1927 he was promoted
again to Major, and started serving with the General
Staff, visiting other countries to learn about their
military. In 1933 the Nazi party rose to power in
Germany, and von Manstein was promoted to Colonel in
1935, was posted to the General Staff. Considered to be
uncooperative by Hitler, he was later sent to Silesia as
commander of the 18th Division. During the invasion of
Poland he served as chief of staff to the Army Group
South under Gerd von Rundstedt.
In 1940 Manstein worked with Blumentritt and von Tresckow
to develop the plan to invade France. They suggested that
the army should attack through the wooded hills of the
Ardennes, where no one would expect it. Hitler originally
rejected the proposal, but he eventually approved of a
modified version, Fall Gelb, that later became known as
the Manstein Plan. Manstein was then sent back to Silesia
and did not take part in the operation until the final
stages when he served under Gunther von Kluge. The plan
was so successful that he was awarded the Knight's Cross
for planning it.
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In February 1941, Manstein was
appointed commander of the 56th Panzer Corps. He was
involved in Operation Barbarossa where he served under
General Erich Hoepner. Attacking on 22nd June 1941,
Manstein advanced more than 100 miles in only two days
and was able to seize the importance bridges at Dvinsk.
The following month he captured Demyansk and Torzhok.
Manstein was appointed commander of 11th Army in
September 1941, and was given the task of conquering the
Crimea. The Red Army defended Sevastopol and this
important Black Sea naval base wasn't taken until July
1942. Promoted to field marshal, Manstein was sent to
capture Leningrad. This led to a series of bitter battles
and lost over 60,000 men over the next few months.
In November 1942, Adolf Hitler ordered Manstein to rescue
Fredrich Paulus's 6th Army during the Battle of
Stalingrad. Placed in charge of a hastily assembled group
of tired men and machines, he got his three panzer
divisions to within 35 miles of the city. A massive Red
Army attack at another point on the line forced him to
retreat to the Ukraine.
Manstein regrouped and the following year inflicted a
heavy defeat on the Soviets at Krasnograd. An estimated
23,000 Soviet soldiers were killed and a further 9,000
were captured. Manstein now went on to capture Kharkov
and Belgorod. In recognition for this action, he received
the Oak Leafs for his Knight's Cross in March 1943. von
Manstein then proposed an action for the summer to push
the Red Army into the Sea of Azov at Rostov, but Hitler
instead chose to back Operation Citadel and he was
ordered to Kursk.
After the failure of Citadel the Soviets counterattacked.
In September he withdrew to the west bank of the Dnieper
River, while inflicting heavy casualties on the Red Army.
From October to mid January of 1944,von Manstein
"stabilized" the situation but in late January
was forced to retreat further westwards by the a Soviet
offensive. In mid-February of 1944, von Manstein
disobeyed Hitler's order and ordered 11th and 42nd Corps
(consisting of 56,000 men in six divisions) of Army Group
South to breakout from the "Cherkassy Pocket",
which occurred on February 16/17th. Eventually, Hitler
accepted this action and ordered the breakout after it
already took place.
Manstein continued to argue with Hitler about overall
strategy and in March 1944 he was dismissed from office.
Nevertheless that same day he received the Swords for his
Oak Leaves, the highest German military honour. After his
dismissal he entered an eye clinic in Breslau,
recuperated near Dresden, and then retired. Although he
did not take part in the attempt to kill Hitler in July
1944, he was aware of it. In late January of 1945 he
collected his family from their homes in Liegnitz and
evacuated them to West Germany.
After the war Manstein was charged with war crimes. In
court Manstein argued that he was unaware that genocide
was taking place in territory under his control. However,
evidence was produced that Manstein had ordered that the
Jewish Bolshevik system be wiped out once and for all
although he requested that officers should not be present
during the killing of Jews.
Manstein was found guilty and he was sentenced to 18
years imprisonment. However, for medical reasons he was
freed on 6th May 1953. He then became an advisor to the
re-forming German Army, the Bundeswehr, and later moved
with his family to Bavaria. His war memoirs, Vereloren
Siege (Lost Victories), were published in Germany in
1955, and translated into English in 1958. Erich von
Manstein died in June 1973.
Manstein in Stalingrad
On November 21, 1942, during the Battle of Stalingrad,
Adolf Hitler appointed von Manstein commander of the
newly created Army Group Don (Heeresgruppe Don),
consisting of a hastily assembled group of tired men and
machines, and ordered him to lead Operation
Wintergewitter (Winter Storm), the rescue effort by
Hermann Hoth's 4th Panzer Army and auxiliary Romanian
troops to relieve the 6th Army of Friedrich Paulus
trapped inside Stalingrad. Wintergewitter, launched on
December 12, achieved some initial success and von
Manstein got his three panzer divisions and supporting
units of the 57th Panzer Corps (comprising the 23rd
Panzer Grenadier Division, and the 6th and 17th Panzer
Divisions) within 30 miles of Stalingrad by December 20.
However, the corps was halted at the town of Aksay, and
strong Russian forces eventually pushed them back.
On December 19 1942 , von Manstein had ordered Paulus to
execute the attack to linkup with the 57th Panzer Corps.
Erich von Manstein did not however order the abandonment
of Stalingrad, only to be prepared for doing so. Some
state that Manstein could have ordered the abandonmnent
of Stalingrad but they disregard that this could not be
done without Hitler knowing it. The 6th Army never
executed the attack because it considered it did not have
enough fuel and ammunition to do so.
Operation Saturn, a massive Red Army offensive in the
southernmost part of the front, aimed at capturing Rostov
and thus cutting off the German Army Group A, which was
still withdrawing from the Caucasus, forced von Manstein
to divert his forces to help hard-pressed Army Group A,
in its retreat to Ukraine, thus avoiding the collapse of
the entire front. The attack also prevented the 48th
Panzer Corps (comprising the 336th Infantry Division, the
3rd Luftwaffe Field Division, and the 11th Panzer
Division), under the command of General Otto von
Knobelsdorff, from joining up with the 57th Panzer Corps
as planned. Instead, the 48th Panzer Corps held a line
along the River Chir, beating off successive Russian
attacks. General Hermann Balck used the 11th Panzer
Division to counterattack Russian salients. But the
Romanian, Italian, and Hungarian armies on the flanks
were overwhelmed, and the 48th Panzer Corps was forced to
retreat. As a result, the remnants of the 4th Panzer Army
retreated, as its northern flank was exposed by the loss
of the Don.
Kharkov Operation
By early February, the German forces began to regroup.
Von Manstein's Army Group Don combined with Army Group B
and was made into the new Army Group South (Heeresgruppe
S?d), which was led by von Manstein. On February 21,
1943, he launched a counteroffensive into the
overextended Soviet flank. The assault proved a major
success; von Manstein's troops advanced rapidly,
isolating Soviet forward units and forcing the Red Army
to halt most of its offensive operations. By March 2,
tank spearheads from Hoth's 4th Panzer Army and Army
Detachment Kempf met, cutting off large portions of the
Soviet Southwest Front, and by March 9, the Wehrmacht had
inflicted a heavy defeat on the Soviets at Krasnograd and
Barvenkovo. An estimated 23,000 Soviet soldiers were
killed and a further 9,000 were captured. Additionally,
615 Soviet tanks and 354 guns were captured.[citation
Von Manstein then pushed forward, with his effort being
spearheaded by Paul Hausser's 2nd SS Panzer Corps,
recapturing Kharkov on March 14, after bloody street
fighting in what is known as the Third Battle of Kharkov.
In recognition for this accomplishment, von Manstein
received the Oak Leaves for the Knight's Cross. The 2nd
SS Panzer Corps then captured Belgorod on March 21. Von
Manstein proposed a daring action for the summer
nicknamed the "backhand blow", which was
intended to outflank the Red Army into the Sea of Azov at
Rostov, but Hitler instead chose the more conventional
Operation Citadel aimed at crushing the Kursk salient.
Operation Citadel
During Operation Citadel, von Manstein led the southern
pincer, and despite losses, he managed to achieve most of
his initial goals, inflicting far more casualties than he
sustained. In his memoirs, Marshal Georgy Zhukov, who led
the Soviet defense at Kursk, praised von Manstein. But
due to the almost complete failure of the northern
sector's pincer led by G?nther von Kluge and Walther
Model, chronic lack of infantry support and an
operational reserve, as well as Operation Husky, the
Allied invasion of Sicily, Hitler called off the
offensive. Von Manstein protested, asserting that the
victory was almost at hand as he felt he had achieved
local superiority, and that with a little more effort, he
could crack the Soviet defenses before they could bring
up their reserves. After the failure of Citadel, the
Soviets launched a massive counterattack against the
exhausted German forces.
A German victory in the sense of annihilating the
surrounded Soviet forces required both the completion of
the encirclement (that is the linking of the northern and
southern German pincers) and holding the encirclement
long enough to overcome the encircled Soviet forces. Even
if the first had been accomplished it does not follow
that the second would automatically follow. The German
forces post-Stalingrad were never able to force the
Soviets into significant retreats, except for temporary
reversals like Kharkov. After halting the German
offensive at Kursk, the Soviets had enough strength to
launch immediate counterattacks.
Dnieper Campaign
In September 1943, von Manstein withdrew to the west bank
of the river Dnieper, inflicting heavy casualties on the
pursuing Red Army[citation needed]. From October 1943 to
mid-January 1944, von Manstein stabilized the situation
on the Southern Front. However, the Soviets established a
salient from Kiev, and were within reach of the crucial
town of Zhitomir. The Germans launched a successful
counteroffensive, in which 1st SS Division Leibstandarte
SS Adolf Hitler and 2nd SS Division Das Reich, together
with 1st, 7th, 19th, and 25th Panzer Divisions and 68th
Infantry Division (part of 4th Panzer Army), wheeled
around the flank of the Russians in front of Zhitomir.
Several notable victories were won at Brussilov,
Radomyshl, and Meleni, under the guidance of General
Hermann Balck. Balck and his chief of staff had wanted to
attack the base of the salient and go for Kiev, but
General Raus favored a more prudent approach.[7] In late
January 1944, von Manstein was forced to retreat further
westwards by the Soviet offensive. In mid-February 1944,
he disobeyed Hitler's order to "hold his ground at
all costs" and ordered 11th and 42nd Corps
(consisting of 56,000 men in six divisions) of Army Group
South to break out of the "Korsun Pocket",
which occurred on February 1617, 1944. Eventually,
Hitler accepted this action and ordered the breakout
after it had already taken place.
Von Manstein continued to argue with Hitler about overall
strategy on the Eastern Front. Von Manstein advocated an
elastic, mobile defense. He was prepared to cede
territory, attempting to make the Soviet forces either
stretch out too thinly or to make them advance so fast so
that their armored spearheads could be counter-attacked
on the flanks with the goal of encircling them. Hitler
ignored Manstein's advice and continued to insist on
static warfare. All positions held by the Germans were to
be defended to the last man. Because of these frequent
disagreements, von Manstein publicly advocated that
Hitler relinquish control over the army and leave the
management of the war to professionals, starting with the
establishment of the position of commander-in-chief in
the East (Oberbefehlshaber Ost). Hitler, however,
rejected this idea numerous times, fearing that it would
weaken his hold on power in Germany.
This argument also alarmed some of Hitler's closest
associates, such as G?ring, Joseph Goebbels and the SS
chief Himmler, who were not prepared to give up any of
their powers. Himmler started to openly question von
Manstein's loyalty and he insinuated to Hitler that von
Manstein was an idealist and a defeatist unsuitable to
command troops. Von Manstein's frequent arguing combined
with these allegations resulted in Hitler relieving von
Manstein of his command on March 31, 1944. On April 2,
1944, Hitler appointed Walther Model, a firm supporter,
as commander of Army Group South as von Manstein's
replacement. Nevertheless, von Manstein received the
Swords for his Knight's Cross, the third highest German
military honour.
After his dismissal, von Manstein entered an eye clinic
in Breslau for cataract surgery. He recuperated near
Dresden and then retired from military service all
together. Although he did not take part in the attempt to
kill Hitler in July 1944, he had been contacted by
Henning von Tresckow and others in 1943 about the plot.
While von Manstein did agree that change was necessary,
he refused to join them as he still considered himself
bound by duty. (He rejected the approaches with the
statement "Preussische Feldmarsch?lle meutern
nicht" "Prussian Field Marshals do not
mutiny.") He also feared that a civil war would
ensue. Though he didn't join the plotters, he did not
betray them either. In late January 1945, he collected
his family from their homes in Liegnitz and evacuated
them to western Germany. He surrendered to British Field
Marshal Montgomery and was arrested by British troops on
August 23, 1945.
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Because of the Soviet demands in
the Cold War environment and respect for his military
exploits, many in the British military establishment,
such as Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery and the
military strategist B. H. Liddell Hart, openly expressed
sympathy for von Manstein's plight and, along with the
likes of Sir Winston Churchill, donated money for the
defense. Churchill saw the trial as yet another effort of
the then-ruling Attlee government to appease the Soviets.
In court, von Manstein's defense, led by the prominent
lawyer Reginald Thomas Paget, argued that he had been
unaware that genocide was taking place in the territory
under his control. It was argued that von Manstein didn't
enforce the Commissar order, which called for the
immediate execution of Red Army Communist Party
commissars. According to his testimony at the Nuremberg
trials, Volume 20, pp. 608609 (August 10, 1946) ,
he received it, but refused to carry it out. He claimed
that his superior at the time, Field Marshal von Leeb,
tolerated and tacitly approved of his choice, and he also
claimed that the order was not carried out in practice.
However, von Manstein did issue an order on November 20,
1941: his version of the infamous "Reichenau
Order", which equated "partisans" and
"Jews" and called for draconian measures
against them. Hitler commended the "Reichenau
Order" as exemplary and encouraged other generals to
issue similar orders. Von Manstein was among the minority
that voluntarily issued such an order. It stated that:
"This struggle is not being carried on against the
Soviet Armed Forces alone in the established form laid
down by European rules of warfare.
Behind the front too, the fighting continues. Partisan
snipers dressed as civilians attack single soldiers and
small units and try to disrupt our supplies by sabotage
with mines and infernal machines. Bolshevists left behind
keep the population freed from Bolshevism in a state of
unrest by means of terror and attempt thereby to sabotage
the political and economic pacification of the country.
Harvests and factories are destroyed and the city
population in particular is thereby ruthlessly delivered
to starvation.
Jewry is the middleman between the enemy in the rear and
the remains of the Red Army and the Red leadership still
fighting. More strongly than in Europe they hold all key
positions of political leadership and administration, of
trade and crafts and constitutes a cell for all unrest
and possible uprisings.
The Jewish Bolshevik system must be wiped out once and
for all and should never again be allowed to invade our
European living space.
The German soldier has therefore not only the task of
crushing the military potential of this system. He comes
also as the bearer of a racial concept and as the avenger
of all the cruelties which have been perpetrated on him
and on the German people."
"The soldier must appreciate the necessity for the
harsh punishment of Jewry, the spiritual bearer of the
Bolshevik terror. This is also necessary in order to nip
in the bud all uprisings which are mostly plotted by
The order also stated: "The food situation at home
makes it essential that the troops should as far as
possible be fed off the land and that furthermore the
largest possible stocks should be placed at the disposal
of the homeland. Particularly in enemy cities a large
part of the population will have to go
hungry."(ibid.) This also was one of the indictments
against von Manstein in Hamburg; not only neglect of
civilians, but also exploitation of invaded countries for
the sole benefit of the "homeland", something
considered illegal by the then current laws of war.
The order additionally stated that "severe steps
will be taken against arbitrary action and self interest,
against savagery and indiscipline, against any violation
of the honor of the soldier" and that "respect
for religious customs, particularly those of Muslim
Tartars, must be demanded." (ibid.) The evidence for
this order was first presented by prosecutor Telford
Taylor on August 10, 1946, in Nuremberg. Von Manstein
acknowledged that he had signed this order of November
20, 1941, but claimed that he didn't remember it. This
order was a major piece of evidence for the prosecution
at his Hamburg trial.
While Paget got von Manstein acquitted of many of the
seventeen charges, he was still found guilty of two
charges and accountable for seven others, mainly for
employing scorched earth tactics and for failing to
protect the civilian population (Src.: Liddell Hart
Centre for Military Archives), and was sentenced on
December 19, 1949, to 18 years imprisonment. This caused
a massive uproar among von Manstein's supporters and the
sentence was subsequently reduced to 12 years. However,
he was released on May 6, 1953 for medical reasons.
Von Manstein, one of the highest ranking generals in the
Wehrmacht, claimed ignorance of what was happening in the
concentration camps. In the Nuremberg trials, he was
asked "Did you at that time know anything about
conditions in the concentration camps?" to which he
replied "No. I heard as little about that as the
German people, or possibly even less, because when one
was fighting 1,000 kilometers away from Germany, one
naturally did not hear about such things. I knew from
prewar days that there were two concentration camps,
Oranienburg and Dachau, and an officer who at the
invitation of the SS had visited such a camp told me that
it was simply a typical collection of criminals, besides
some political prisoners who, according to what he had
seen, were being treated severely but correctly."[8]
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