Battle of the Coral Sea, 7-8 May 1942
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LIGHTS SERIES p r e s e n t BattleFleet Naval Strategy Games with Battleships Dynamics Game Engine |
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Battlefleet: Pacific War is WW2 naval turn-based strategy game, extension to the classic Battleship game, where ships/planes, subs can move! | ||||
F e a t u r e s : | ||||
45 Ship/Plane/Sub/Artillery types 20 Scenarios 18 Death Match Missions 2 Campaigns |
Unit production Various game objectives Combat maps up to 96x96 Unit names and officer ranks are historic |
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( Size: 4.8 MB ) | for Windows 98/XP/NT/Me/2000 Pentium 233 MHz, 32 MB RAM | Current version: 1.24 | ||
of the Coral Sea, 7-8 May 1942
The Japanese operation included two seaborne invasion forces, a minor one targeting Tulagi, in the Southern Solomons, and the main one aimed at Port Moresby. These would be supported by land-based airpower from bases to the north and by two naval forces containing a small aircraft carrier, several cruisers, seaplane tenders and gunboats. More distant cover would be provided by the big aircraft carriers Shokaku and Zuikaku with their escorting cruisers and destroyers. The U.S. Navy, tipped off to the enemy plans by superior communications intelligence, countered with two of its own carriers, plus cruisers (including two from the Australian Navy), destroyers, submarines, land-based bombers and patrol seaplanes.
Preliminary operations on 3-6 May and two days of active carrier combat on 7-8 May cost the United States one aircraft carrier, a destroyer and one of its very valuable fleet oilers, plus damage to the second carrier. However, the Japanese were forced to cancel their Port Moresby seaborne invasion. In the fighting, they lost a light carrier, a destroyer and some smaller ships. Shokaku received serious bomb damage and Zuikaku's air group was badly depleted. Most importantly, those two carriers were eliminated from the upcoming Midway operation, contributing by their absence to that terrible Japanese defeat
(credits: US Navy History Center)