- British Secret Service Agency

MI-5 |

MI5 |
MI5 (Military Intelligence 5) - also
known as the Security Service - is one of the British
secret service agencies. Its remit covers the protection
of British Parliamentary democracy and economic
interests, and fighting serious crime. It is mainly
concerned with internal security, whilst SIS, or 'MI6'
looks after external security.
Like SIS, MI5 has its basis in the Secret Service Bureau,
founded in 1909 as an organisation to control secret
intelligence operations. The Bureau was originally split
into a naval and military section. The naval section came
to specialise in espionage activities in foreign
countries, while the military section increasingly
undertook counter-espionage activities within the UK.
This new split was formalised. After a series of
bureaucratic designation changes in which it was known as
MO5 and gained various subdepartments denoted by letters
of the alphabet, the domestic section came to be known as
MI5, a name it retains today.
Its founding head was Vernon Kell, who remained head
until the early part of the Second World War. Its role
was originally quite restricted; it existed purely to
ensure national security through counter-espionage. It
originally worked in concert with the Special Branch of
the Metropolitan Police; MI5 was responsible for overall
direction and the actual identification of foreign spies,
while the Special Branch provided the manpower for the
investigation of their affairs and their arrest and
MI5 was very successful (against admittedly weak
opposition) in the pre-war years. It was founded in a
climate of hysteria over a supposedly huge network of
German spies - numbers in the hundreds of thousands were
quoted - who were apparently ready to perform espionage
and sabotage activities in advance of a German invasion.
In reality, no invasion was planned, and Germany had a
mere handful of incompetent amateur spies active in
Britain - just over 20. MI5 Military Intelligence was
quickly successful in identifying this group, and Kell
took the intelligent decision not to arrest them but to
keep them under surreptitious observation until the
outbreak of war. He reasoned that if they were arrested
Germany would simply send more in their place. Instead he
waited until the eve of war - he was given twelve hours'
notice of its outbreak - to arrest the entire network,
thus depriving Germany completely of reliable
intelligence from within Britain.
After this auspicious start, the history of MI5 Military
Intelligence becomes darker. It was consistently
successful throughout the rest of the 1910s and the 1920s
in its core counter-espionage role, however. Germany
continued to attempt to infiltrate Britain throughout the
war, but using a method that depended on strict control
of entry and exit to the country and, crucially,
large-scale inspection of mail, MI5 was easily able to
identify all the agents that were dispatched. In post-war
years attention turned to attempts by Russia and the
Comintern to surreptitiously support revolutionary
activities within Britain, and MI5's expertise combined
with the early incompetence of the Russians meant the
bureau was successful once more in correctly identifying
and closely monitoring these activities.
However, in the meantime MI5's role had been
substantially enlarged. Due to the spy hysteria, MI5 was
formed with far more resources than it actually needed to
track down German spies. As is common within governmental
bureaucracies, this meant it expanded its role in order
to use its spare resources. MI5 acquired many additional
responsibilities during the war. Most significantly, its
strict counter-espionage role was considerably blurred.
It became a much more political role, involving the
surveillance not merely of foreign agents but of pacifist
and anti-conscription organisations, and organised
labour. This was justified on the basis of the common
(but mistaken) belief that foreign influence was at the
root of these organisations. Thus by the end of the war
MI5 was a fully-fledged secret police, in addition to
being a counter-espionage agency. This expansion of its
role has continued, after a brief post-war power struggle
with the head of the Special Branch, Sir Basil Thompson.
MI5 Military Intelligence also managed to acquire
responsibility for security operations not only in
mainland Britain but throughout the Empire, which gave it
a significant role in Ireland. MI5 now has a role similar
to that of the American FBI, if not as extensive, which
includes crime-prevention activities as well as political
surveillance and counter-espionage. This expansion has
happened almost entirely without supervision; MI5 had no
responsibility to Parliament, and is often able to act
with considerable independence even from the Cabinet and
Prime Minister. Since the 1997? MI5 activities have been
subject to scrutiny by Parliament's Intelligence and
Security Committee.
MI5's Irish operations were an unmitigated disaster. Its
operation was penetrated by the IRA, and even before
Michael Collins ordered a ruthless purge of MI5's Irish
agents - almost all of whom were assassinated - it was
unable to provide useful intelligence on the Irish
republican movement during the Home Rule and independence
MI5's decline in counter-espionage efficiency began in
the 1930s. It was to some extent a victim of its own
success; it was unable to break the ways of thinking it
had evolved in the 1910s and 1920s. In particular, it was
entirely unable to adjust to the new methods of the NKVD,
the Russian secret intelligence organisation. It
continued to think in terms of agents who would attempt
to gather information simply through observation or
bribery, or to agitate within labour organisations or the
armed services, while posing as ordinary citizens. The
NKVD, however, had evolved more sophisticated methods; it
began to recruit agents from within the Establishment,
most notably from Cambridge University, who were seen as
a long-term investment. They succeeded in gaining
positions within the Government (and, in Kim Philby's
case, within British intelligence itself), from where
they were much more easily able to provide the NKVD with
sensitive information. The most successful of these
agents - Harold 'Kim' Philby, Donald Maclean, Guy
Burgess, Anthony Blunt and John Cairncross - went
undetected until after the Second World War, and were
known as the Cambridge Five.
MI5 Military Intelligenceexperienced further failure
during the Second World War. It was chronically
unprepared, both organisationally and in terms of
resources, for the outbreak of war, and utterly unequal
to the task which it was assigned - the large-scale
internment of enemy aliens in an attempt to uncover enemy
agents. The operation was badly mishandled and
contributed to the near-collapse of the agency by 1940.
One of the earliest actions of Winston Churchill on
coming to power in early 1940 was to sack the agency's
long-term head, Vernon Kell. He was replaced initially by
the ineffective Brigadier A.W.A. Harker. Harker in turn
was quickly replaced by David Petrie, an SIS man, with
Harker as his deputy. With the ending of the Battle of
Britain and the abandonment of invasion plans (correctly
reported by both SIS and the Bletchley Park ULTRA
project), the spy scare eased, and the internment policy
was gradually reversed. This eased pressure on MI5, and
allowed it to concentrate on its major wartime success,
the so-called "double-cross" system.
This was a system based on an internal memo drafted by an
MI5 officer in 1936, which criticised the long-standing
policy of arresting and sending to trial all enemy agents
discovered by MI5. Several had offered to defect to
Britain when captured; prior to 1939, such requests were
invariably turned down. The memo advocated attempting to
"turn" captured agents wherever possible, and
use them to mislead enemy intelligence agencies. This
suggestion was turned into a massive and well-tuned
system of deception during the Second World War.
Beginning with the capture of an agent called Owens,
codenamed SNOW, MI5 began to offer enemy agents the
chance to avoid prosecution (and thus the possibility of
the death penalty) if they would work as British
double-agents. Agents who agreed to this were supervised
by MI5 in transmitting bogus "intelligence"
back to the German secret service, the Abwehr. This
necessitated a large-scale organisational effort, since
the information had to appear valuable but in actual fact
be misleading. A high-level committee, the Wireless
Board, was formed to provide this information. The
day-to-day operation was delegated to a subcommittee, the
Twenty Committee (so called because the Roman numerals
for twenty, XX, form a double cross). The system was
extraordinarily successful; in fact, every important
German agent in Britain during the war was in fact a
double agent controlled by MI5. The system played a major
part in the massive campaign of deception which preceded
the D-Day landings, designed to give the Germans a false
impression of the location and timings of the landings.
As with SIS, there was until recently an official
pretence that MI5 did not in fact exist. This was
abandoned in the mid-1990s, and MI5 has recruited openly
through newspaper advertisements since 1997.
As well as the currently extant MI5 and MI6, there have
been a number of British military intelligence groups
designated as MI-(section number) existing at various
times since WWI, which have now been abandoned or
subsumed by MI5, MI6 or GCHQ. These included MI1
(codebreaking), MI2 (intelligence in Russia and
Scandinavia), MI3 (Eastern Europe), MI4 (aerial
photographic interpretation), MI8 (signals intelligence),
MI9 (covert operations and PoW escape), MI10 (weapons
analysis) and MI19 (PoW debriefing).
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