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Fascism (in Italian, fascismo), capitalized, refers to
the authoritarian political movement which ruled Italy
1922-1943 under the leadership of Benito Mussolini. The
name comes from fascio, which may mean
"bundle", as in a political group or a nation,
but also fasces, the Roman symbol of a bundle of rods and
axe-head. The Italian 'Fascisti' were also known as Black
Shirts for their style of uniform incorporating a black
shirt (see; Political Colours).
"Fasces" were first used as a symbol by roman
tribunes - popular speakers.
Table of contents
1 Definition
2 Practice of fascism
3 Italian Fascism
4 Fascism as an International PhenomenonDefinition
The word fascism has come to mean any system of
government resembling Mussolini's, that exalts nation and
often race above the individual, and uses violence and
modern techniques of propaganda and censorship to
forcibly suppress political opposition, engages in severe
economic and social regimentation, and espouses
nationalism and sometimes racism (ethnic nationalism).
Nazism is usually considered as a kind of fascism, but it
should be understood that although Nazism sought the
state's purpose in serving an ideal to valuing what its
content should be; its people, race, and the social
engineering of these aspects of culture to the ends of
the greatest possible prosperity for them at the expense
of all else (an 'introverted' socialism). Mussolini's
Fascism held to the ideology that all of these factors
existed to serve the state and that it wasn't necessarily
in the state's interest to serve or engineer any of these
particulars within its sphere as any priority. The only
purpose of the government under Fascism proper was to
value itself as the highest priority to its culture in
just being the state in itself, the larger scope of
which, the better, and for these reasons it can be said
to have been a governmental statolatry. While Nazism was
a metapolitical form of socialist statism seeing itself
only as a utility by which an allegorical condition of
its people was its goal, Fascism was a squarely
anti-socialist form of statism that existed by virtue and
as an ends in and of itself.
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As a political science, the
philosophical pretext to the literal Fascism of the
historical Italian type believes the state's nature is
superior to that of the sum of the individual's
comprising it, and that they exist for the state rather
than the state existing to serve them. The resources
individuals provide from participating in the community
are conceived as a productive duty of individual progress
serving an entity greater than the sum of its parts.
therefore all individual's business is the state's
business, the state's existence is the sole duty of the
individal. In its Corporativist model of totalitarian but
private management the various functions of the state
were trades conceived as individualized entities making
that state, and that it is in the state's interest to
oversee them for that reason, but not direct them or make
them public by the rationale that such functioning in
government hands undermines the development of what the
state is. Private activity is in a sense contracted to
the state so that the state may suspend the
infrastructure of any entity in accord to their
usefulness and direction, or health to the state.
Unlike the preWorld War II period, when many groups
openly and proudly proclaimed themselves fascist, in the
postWorld War II period the term has taken on an
extremely pejorative meaning, largely in reaction to the
crimes against humanity undertaken by the Nazis. Today,
very few groups proclaim themselves as fascist, and the
term almost universally is used for groups for whom the
speaker has little regard, often with minimal
understanding of what the term actually means. More
particularly, "Fascist" is sometimes used by
people of the Left to characterize some group or persons
of the far-right or neo-far-right, though this usage has
somewhat receded since the 1970s. As George Orwell in his
1946 essay "Politics and the English Language"
famously complained, "The word Fascism has now no
meaning except in so far as it signifies 'something not
desirable.'" This negative association makes it
unlikely that the fascist label will be used or accepted
by any future regimes.
Fascism, in many respects, is an ideology of negativism:
anti-liberal, anti-Communist, anti-democratic,
anti-egalitarian, etc. As a political and economic system
in Italy, it combined elements of corporatism,
totalitarianism, nationalism, and anti-communism.
Fascism is generally regarded as somehow the
"opposite" to socialism or communism. Mussolini
himself characterized it as such in a 1932 paper entitled
What Is Fascism?:
...Fascism [is] the complete opposite of ... Marxian
Socialism, the materialist conception of history of human
civilization can be explained simply through the conflict
of interests among the various social groups and by the
change and development in the means and instruments of
Fascism, now and always, believes in holiness and in
heroism; that is to say, in actions influenced by no
economic motive, direct or indirect. And if the economic
conception of history be denied, according to which
theory men are no more than puppets, carried to and fro
by the waves of chance, while the real directing forces
are quite out of their control, it follows that the
existence of an unchangeable and unchanging class-war is
also denied - the natural progeny of the economic
conception of history. And above all Fascism denies that
class-war can be the preponderant force in the
transformation of society....
..."The maxim that society exists only for the
well-being and freedom of the individuals composing it
does not seem to be in conformity with nature's
plans." "If classical liberalism spells
individualism," Mussolini continued, "Fascism
spells government."
--Benito Mussolini, public domain, from The Internet
Modern History Sourcebook
It is notable that the central distinctions are views of
class conflict and religious orthodoxy. A fascist
government is usually characterized as "extreme
right-wing," and a socialist government as
"left-wing". Others argue that the differences
between fascism and totalitarian forms of socialism are
more superficial than actual. (See political spectrum for
more on these ideas).
The most common feature of fascism cited in contrast to
socialism is the fact that neither Hitler nor Mussolini
nationalized their nations' industries. Some contend that
this difference is also more cosmetic than actual, since
both leaders used extreme regulation to control industry,
while leaving them in the hands of their owners. Hitler
commented on this difference in a letter to Herman
Rauschning, where he wrote:
"Of what importance is all that, if I range men
firmly within a discipline they cannot escape? Let them
own land or factories as much as they please. The
decisive factor is that the State, through the Party, is
supreme over them regardless of whether they are owners
or workers. All that is unessential; our socialism goes
far deeper. It establishes a relationship of the
individual to the State, the national community. Why need
we trouble to socialize banks and factories? We socialize
human beings."
It is also possible, since fascism incorporates
corporatism, that a fascist regime may de-facto
nationalize certain key industries, simply by maintaining
close personal and/or business relationships with the
corporations' owners.
Practice of fascism
Examples of fascist systems include Nazi Germany and
Spain under the Falange Party of Francisco Franco, in
addition to Mussolini's Italy.
Fascism in practice embodied both political and economic
practices, and invites different comparisons. Writers who
focus on the politically repressive policies of fascism
identify it as one form of totalitarianism, a description
they use to characterise not only Fascist Italy and Nazi
Germany, but also communist countries such as the Soviet
Union, Communist China and Cuba (although fascists and
communists identify each other as enemies).
However, some analysts point out that some fascist
governments were arguably more authoritarian rather than
totalitarian. There is almost universal agreement that
Nazism Germany was totalitarian. However, many would
argue that the governments of Franco's Spain and
Salazar's Portugal, while fascist, were more
authoritarian than totalitarian.
Writers who focus on economic policies of state
intervention in the market and the use of state
apparatuses to broker conflicts between different classes
make even broader comparisons, identifying fascism as one
form of corporatism, a political outgrowth of Catholic
social doctrine from the 1890s, with which parallels have
been drawn embracing not only Nazi Germany, but also
Roosevelt's New Deal United States and Juan Peron's
populism in Argentina.
Prominent proponents of fascism in pre-WWII America
included the publisher Seward Collins, whose periodical
The American Review (1933-1937) featured essays by
Collins and others that praised Mussolini and Hitler. The
America First movement, funded by William Regnery, among
others, took a pro-German view of the world during the
1930s and fought to keep America neutral after Great
Britain entered the war in 1939.
Italian Fascism
Mussolini's Fascist state, established nearly a decade
before Hitler's rise to power, would provide a model for
Getulio Vargas' later economic and political policies.
Both a movement and a historical phenomenon, Italian
Fascism was, in many respects, an adverse reaction to
both the apparent failure of laissez-faire and fear of
the left, although trends in intellectual history, such
as the breakdown of positivism and the general fatalism
of postwar Europe should be of concern.
Fascism was, to an extent, a product of a general feeling
of anxiety and fear among the middle class of postwar
Italy arising because of a convergence of interrelated
economic, political, and cultural pressures. Under the
banner of this authoritarian and nationalistic ideology,
Mussolini was able to exploit fears regarding the
survival of capitalism in an era in which postwar
depression, the rise of a more militant left, and a
feeling of national shame and humiliation stemming from
Italy's 'mutilated victory' at the hands of the World War
I postwar peace treaties seemed to converge. Such
unfulfilled nationalistic aspirations tainted the
reputation of liberalism and constitutionalism among many
sectors of the Italian population. In addition, such
democratic institutions had never grown to become firmly
rooted in the young nation-state.
As the same postwar depression heightened the allure of
Marxism among an urban proletariat even more
disenfranchised than their continental counterparts, fear
regarding the growing strength of trade unionism,
Communism, and Socialism proliferated among the elite and
the middle class. In a way, Benito Mussolini filled a
political vacuum. Fascism emerged as a "third
way" as Italy's last hope to avoid imminent
collapse of the 'weak' Italian liberalism, and Communist
revolution. While failing to outline a coherent program,
it evolved into new political and economic system that
combined corporatism, totalitarianism, nationalism, and
anti-Communism in a state designed to bind all classes
together under a capitalist system, but a new capitalist
system in which the state seized control of the
organization of vital industries. Under the banners of
nationalism and state power, Fascism seemed to synthesize
the glorious Roman past with a futuristic utopia.
The appeal of this movement, the promise of a more
orderly capitalism during an era of interwar depression,
however, was not isolated to Italy, or even Europe. A
decade later, as the Great Depression led to a sharp
economic downturn of the Brazilian economy, a sort of
quasi-fascism would emerge there that would react to
Brazil's own socio-economic problems and nationalistic
consciousness of its peripheral status in the global
economy. The regime of Getulio Vargas adopted extensive
fascist influence and entered into an alliance with
Integralism, Brazil's local fascist movement.
Founded as a nationalist association (the Fasci di
Combattimento) of World War I veterans in Milan on March
23, 1919, Mussolini's fascist movement converted itself
into a national party (the Partito Nazionale Fascista)
after winning 35 seats in the parliamentary elections of
May 1921. Initially combining ideological elements of
left and right, it aligned itself with the forces of
conservatism by its opposition to the September 1920
factory occupations.
Despite the themes of social and economic reform in the
initial Fascist manifesto of June 1919, the movement came
to be supported by sections of the middle class fearful
of socialism and communism, while industrialists and
landowners saw it as a defence against labour militancy.
Under threat of a fascist "March on Rome",
Mussolini in October 1922 assumed the premiership of a
right-wing coalition Cabinet initially including members
of the pro-church People's Party.
The transition to outright dictatorship was more gradual
than in Germany a decade later, though in July 1923 a new
electoral law all but assured a Fascist parliamentary
majority, and the murder of the Socialist deputy Giacomo
Matteotti eleven months later showed the limits of
political opposition. By 1926 opposition movements had
been outlawed, and in 1928 election to parliament was
restricted to Fascist-approved candidates.
The regime's most lasting political achievement was
perhaps the Lateran Treaty of February 1929 between the
Italian State and the Holy See, by which the Papacy was
granted temporal sovereignty over the Vatican City and
guaranteed the free exercise of Catholicism as the sole
state religion throughout Italy in return for its
acceptance of Italian sovereignty over the Pope's former
Trade unions and employers' associations were reorganized
by 1934 into 22 fascist corporations combining workers
and employers by economic sector, whose representatives
in 1938 replaced the parliament as the "Chamber of
Corporations": power continued to be vested in the
Fascist Grand Council, the ruling body of the movement.
The 1930s saw some economic achievements as Italy
recovered from the Great Depression: the draining of the
malaria-infested Pontine Marshes south of Rome was one of
the regime's proudest boasts. But international sanctions
following Italy's invasion (October 1935) of Ethiopia
(the Abyssinia crisis), followed by the government's
costly military support for Franco's Nationalists in
Spain, undermined growth despite successes in developing
domestic substitutes for imports (Autarchia).
International isolation and their common involvement in
Spain brought about increasing diplomatic collaboration
between Italy and Nazi Germany, reflected also in the
fascist regime's domestic policies as the first
anti-semitic laws were passed in 1938. But Italy's
intervention (June 10th 1940) as Germany's ally in World
War II brought military disaster, from the loss of her
north and east African colonies to U.S and British
invasion of first Sicily (July 1943) and then southern
Italy (September 1943).
Dismissed as prime minister by King Victor Emmanuel III
on July 25th 1943, and subsequently arrested, Mussolini
was freed in September by German paratroopers and
installed as head of a puppet "Italian Social
Republic" at Salo in German-occupied northern Italy.
His association with the German occupation regime eroded
much of what little support remained to him, and his
summary execution (April 28th 1945) by northern partisans
was widely seen as a fitting end against the backdrop of
the war's violent closing stages.
After the war, the remnants of Italian fascism largely
regrouped under the banner of the neo-Fascist
"Italian Social Movement" (MSI), merging in
1994 with conservative former Christian Democrats to form
the "National Alliance" (AN), which proclaims
its commitment to constitutionalism, parliamentary
government and political pluralism.
Fascism as an International Phenomenon
It's often a matter of dispute whether a certain
government is to be characterized as fascist,
authoritarian, totalitarian, or just a plain Police
Italy (1922-1943) - The first fascist country, it was
ruled by Benito Mussolini, Il Duce until Mussolini was
captured during the Allied invasion. Mussolini was
rescued from house arrest by German troops, and set up a
short lived puppet state in northern Italy under the
protection of the German army.
Germany (1933-1945) - Ruled by the Nazi movement of Adolf
Hitler, (der F?hrer). In the terminology of the Allies,
Nazi Germany was as their chief enemy the mightiest and
best-known fascist state.
Spain (1936-1975) - The fascist Falange Espa?ola Party
was led by Generalissimo Francisco Franco, who took power
in a civil war and was El Caudillo until his death.
Portugal (1932-1968) - Although less restrictive than the
first three, the Estado Novo Party of Ant?nio de
Oliveira Salazar was quasi-fascist.
Austria (1932-1945) - The Heimwehr of Engelbert Dollfuss
led Austria to be allied with Mussolini's Italy and then
fall into the hands of Germany (Anschluss). In 1997,
J?rg Haider, an extreme nationalist, became popular.
Many political commentators believe that Haider's
Austrian Freedom Party is a neo-fascist organization.
Greece - Joannis Metaxas' dictature (1936-1941) was not
particularly ideological in nature, and might hence be
characterized as authoritarian rather than fascist. The
same can be argued regarding Colonel George Papadopoulos'
US-supported military dictature (1967-1974).
Brazil (1937-1945) - Many historians have argued that
Brazil's Estado Novo under Getulio Vargas was a Brazilian
variant of the continental fascist regimes. For a period
of time, Vargas' regime was aligned with Pl?nio
Salgado's Integralist Party, Brazil's fascist movement.
Belgium (1939-1945) - The violent Rexist movement and the
VNV party achieved some electoral success in the 1930s
and many of its members assisted the Nazi occupation
during World War II. The Verdinaso movement, too, can be
considered fascists, but its leader, Joris Van Severen
was killed before the Nazi occupation. Some of its adapts
collaborated, but others even joined the resistance.
Slovakia (1939-1944) - The Slovak Populist Party was a
quasi-fascist nationalist movement associated with the
Roman Catholic Church. Founded by Father Andrej Hlinka,
his successor Monsignor Jozef Tiso became the Nazis'
quisling in a nominally independent Slovakia.
France (1940-1944) - The Vichy regime of Philippe
P?tain, established following France's defeat against
Germany, collaborated with the Nazis, including in the
death of 65,000 French Jews.
Romania (1940-1944) - The violent Iron Guard took power
when Ion Antonescu forced King Carol II to abdicate. The
fascist regime ended after the Soviet invasion.
Croatia (1941-1945) - Poglavnik Ante Pavelic, leader of
the infamous Ustae movement, came to power in 1941
as the Croatian puppet leader of Nazi Germany.
Norway (1943-1945) - Vidkun Quisling had already during
the German invasion on April 9th, 1940, attempted a coup
d'?tat, but was appointed to head a puppet government
under Nazi-Germany first from February 1st, 1943. His
party had never had any substantial support in Norway.
Hungary (1944-1945) - Ferenc Sz?lasi headed the
extremist Arrow Cross party. In 1944, with German
support, he replaced Admiral Mikl?s Horthy de Nagyb?nya
as Head of State; following Horthy's attempt to have
Hungary change sides.
Argentina (1946-1955 and 1973-1974) - Juan Per?n admired
Mussolini and established his own pseudo-fascist regime.
After he died, his third wife and vice-president Isabel
Per?n was deposed by a military junta.
Paraguay (1954-1989) - Alfredo Stroessner's Colorado
Party made Paraguay a safe haven for Nazi war criminals
such as Mengele.
Taiwan (1949-1988) - Chiang Kai-shek and his Kuomintang
troops occupied Taiwan after being evicted from the
mainland by the Communist armies of Mao Zedong. He ruled
Taiwan with an iron fist, denying the native Taiwanese
population civil rights, maintaining a strong secret
police force and punishing dissent ruthlessly while at
the same time setting Taiwan on the road to prosperity.
His son Chiang Ching-kuo began the move to democracy
shortly before his death.
fascism and World War II WW2
The events of the Great Depression
resulted in an international surge of fascism and
the creation of multiple fascist regimes and
regimes that adopted fascist policies. The most
important new fascist regime was Nazi Germany,
under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. With the
rise of Hitler and the Nazis to power in 1933,
liberal democracy was dissolved in Germany, and
the Nazis mobilized the country for war, with
expansionist territorial aims against multiple
countries. In the 1930s the Nazis implemented
racial laws that deliberately discriminated
against, disenfranchised, and persecuted Jews,
homosexuals and other racial and minority groups.
Hungarian fascist Gyula G?mb?s rose to power as
Prime Minister of Hungary in 1932 and visited
Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany to consolidate
good relations with the two regimes. He attempted
to entrench his Party of National Unity
throughout the country; created an eight-hour
work day, a forty-eight hour work week in
industry, and sought to entrench a corporatist
economy; and pursued irredentist claims on
Hungary's neighbors. The fascist Iron Guard
movement in Romania soared in political support
after 1933, gaining representation in the
Romanian government, and an Iron Guard member
assassinated Romanian prime minister Ion Duca. A
variety of para-fascist governments that borrowed
elements from fascism were formed during the
Great Depression, including those of Greece,
Lithuania, Poland, and Yugoslavia.
Fascism also expanded influence outside of
Europe, especially in East Asia, the Middle East,
and South America. In China, Wang Jingwei's
Kai-tsu p'ai (Reorganization) faction of the
Kuomintang (Nationalist Party of China) supported
Nazism in the late 1930s. In Japan, the Tohokai,
a Nazi movement was formed by Seigo Nakano. The
Brazilian Integralists led by Pl?nio Salgado,
claimed as many as 200,000 members although
following coup attempts it faced a crackdown from
the Estado Novo of Getulio Vargas in 1937. The
Al-Muthanna Club of Iraq was a pan-Arab movement
that supported Nazism and exercised influence in
Iraqi government through cabinet minister Saib
Shawkat who formed a youth paramilitary movement.
in the 1930s The National Socialist Movement of
Chile gained seats in Chile's parliament and
attempted a coup d'?tat that resulted in the
Seguro Obrero massacre of 1938. Peruvian
president Luis Miguel S?nchez Cerro founded the
Revolutionary Union in 1931 as the state party
for his dictatorship. Upon the Revolutionary
Union being taken over by Ra?l Ferrero
Rebagliati who sought to mobilise mass support
for the group's nationalism in a manner akin to
fascism. He even started a Blackshirts
paramilitary arm as a copy of the Italian group,
although the Union lost heavily in the 1936
elections and faded into obscurity.
During the Great Depression, Mussolini promoted
active state intervention in the economy. He
denounced the contemporary
"supercapitalism" that he claimed began
in 1914 as a failure due to its alleged
decadence, support for unlimited consumerism and
intention to create the "standardization of
humankind". However, Mussolini claimed that
the industrial developments of earlier
"heroic capitalism" were valuable and
continued to support private property as long as
it was productive. With the onset of the Great
Depression, Fascist Italy began large-scale state
intervention into the economy, establishing the
Institute for Industrial Reconstruction (Istituto
per la Ricostruzione Industriale, IRI), a giant
state-owned firm and holding company that
provided state funding to failing private
enterprises. The IRI was made a permanent
institution in Fascist Italy in 1937, pursued
Fascist policies to create national autarky, and
had the power to take over private firms to
maximize war production. Nazi Germany similarly
pursued an economic agenda with the aims of
autarky and rearmament and imposed protectionist
policies, including forcing the German steel
industry to use lower-quality German iron ore
rather than superior-quality imported iron.
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