- Timeline of the World War 2
1: Invasion of Poland by Germany; Norway, Switzerland and
Finland declare their neutrality; the British government
declares general mobilisation.
2: The United Kingdom and France issue a joint ulimtatum
to Germany, requiring German troops to evacuate Polish
territory within 12 hours; Mussolini declares Italian
neutrality; Ireland also declares neutrality; the Swiss
government orders a general mobilization of its forces;
the National Service (Armed Forces) Act is passed in
3: Hitler rejects Allied ultimatum; the United Kingdom,
Australia, New Zealand and France declare war on Germany;
Belgium declares its neutrality as King Leopold III
assumes personal command of the Belgian armed forces.
British passenger liner SS Athenia en-route from Glasgow
to Montreal is sunk by U-30.
4:The Royal Air Force attacks the German fleet at
Wilhelmshaven and bombs the Kiel Canal.
5: The United States declares neutrality; General Jan
Smuts replaces James Herzog as Prime Minister of South
Africa; French troops begin minor offensive towards
6: South Africa declares war on Germany; Spain declares
its neutrality, but Franco makes a secret pledge to
Hitler to aid the Axis cause.
7: National Registration Act passed in Britain,
introducing identity cards and allowing the government to
control labour.
10: Canada declares war on Germany.
17: Invasion of Eastern Poland by the Soviet Union.
28: Warsaw surrenders; Polish government in exile set up
in Paris.
1: Conscription of British men aged between 20 and 22
2: The Hel peninsula Polish defence forces surrender to
German forces.
5: The Kock battle, the last battle of the Polish
defence, between Polesie group under the command of
General Kleeberg and German forces.
9: Hitler issues orders for preparation of invasion of
Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
30: The Soviet Union invades Finland.
7: Italy again declares its neutrality.
13: Battle of the River Plate.
17: Admiral Graf Spee scuttled in Montevideo harbour.
14: Russia expelled from the League Of Nations.
18: The first Canadian troops arrive in Europe.
1: Conscription extended in Britain: all men between 20
and 27 now liable.
12: Finland signs a peace treaty with the Soviet Union.
18: Mussolini agrees with Hitler that Italy will enter
the war 'at an opportune moment".
21: Paul Reynaud becomes Prime Minister of France.
9: Denmark and Norway invaded by Germany; Denmark
5: Norwegian government in exile established in London.
9: Conscription in Britain extended to age 36.
10: Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands are
invaded by Germany; Winston Churchill becomes Prime
Minister upon the resignation of Neville Chamberlain.
11: Luxembourg occupied.
13: Dutch government in exile established in London.
14: The creation of the Local Defence Volunteers (the
Home Guard) is announced by Anthony Eden.
15: The Netherlands surrender.
26: Operation Dynamo, the Allied evacuation from Dunkirk,
28: Belgium surrenders; Germans evacuate Narvik
3: Last day of Operation Dynamo. 224,686 British and
121,445 French and Belgian troops have been evacuated.
10: Italy declares war on France and the United Kingdom;
Norway surrenders.
11: French government decamps to Tours.
14: Paris occupied by German troops; French government
moves again, this time to Bordeaux.
16: Petain becomes premier of France upon the resignation
of Reynaud's government.
17: Sinking of liner Lancastria off St Nazaire while
being used as a British troopship - Britain's worst
maritime disaster.
18: General De Gaulle forms the Comit? Fran?ais de la
Lib?ration Nationale, a French government in exile;
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are occupied by the Soviet
21: Franco-German armistice negotiations begin at
22: Franco-German armistice signed.
24: France officially surrenders to Germany;
Franco-Italian armistice signed.
28: General De Gaulle recognised by British as leader of
Free French.
30: Germany invades the Channel Islands.
1: Channel Islands completely occupied; French government
moves to Vichy.
2: Hitler orders preparation of plans for invasion of
Britain, code-named Operation Sealion.
4: Royal Navy force arrives at Mers El K?bir and orders
French fleet there to surrender - upon refusal they open
fire, sinking or damaging several French ships; Vichy
French government breaks off diplomatic relations with
Britain in protest.
21: Czech government in exile arrives in London.
22: The Special Operations Executive is created.
25: All women and children are ordered to evacuate
2: General De Gaulle sentenced to death in absentia by a
French military court.
4: Italian forces invade British Somaliland.
19: Italians take Berbera, capital of British Somaliland.
3: Operation Sealion set for 21st September.
10: Operation Sealion postponed until 24th September.
13: Italy invades Egypt.
14: Operation Sealion postponed until 27th September, the
last day of the month with suitable tides for the
17: Operation Sealion postponed by Hitler until further
7: Germany invades Romania.
12: Any German invasion of Britain postponed until Spring
1941 at the earliest.
28: Italy issues ultimatum to Greece - Prime Minister
Metaxas replies with the single word "Okhi!"
("no!"); Italian forces invade Greece.
11: British naval forces launch attack against Italian
navy at Taranto. Swordfish bombers from HMS Illustrious
damage three battleships, two cruisers and multiple
auxillary craft.
20: Hungary and Romania sign the Tripartite Pact.
11: Greece invades Italian-held Albania.
12: British and Australian troops capture Tobruk.
25: Mogadishu, Italian Somaliland captured by British
11: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signs the Lend
Lease Act allowing Britain, China and other allied
nations to purchase military equipment and to defer
payment until after the war.
25: Yugoslavia signs the Tripartite Pact.
27: Crown Prince Peter becomes Peter II of Yugoslavia and
takes control of Yugoslavia after an army coup overthrows
the pro-German government of the Prince Regent.
30: The Afrika Korps begins the German offensive in North
6: German, Hungarian and Italian forces invade Yugoslavia
and Greece.
10: Greenland occupied by the United States.
12: Belgrade surrenders.
13: Japan and the Soviet Union sign a neutrality pact.
17: Yugoslavia surrenders. Goverment in exile formed in
23: Greek government evacuated to Crete.
27: Athens occupied by German troops.
10: Rudolf Hess captured in Scotland after bailing out of
his plane.
20: German paratroopers attack Crete.
24: British battlecruiser HMS Hood sunk by German
battleship Bismarck; Greek government leaves Crete for
27: The Bismarck is sunk by torpedoes from HMS
28: British and Commonwealth forces begin to evacuate
1: Allies complete the withdrawal from Crete.
4: Iraq invaded by Britain - the pro-Axis government
there is overthrown.
8: Syria invade by Britain - Vichy French government
there overthrown.
22: Germany invades the Soviet Union in Operation
23: Hungary and Slovakia declare war on the Soviet Union.
26: Finland declares war on the Soviet Union.
28: Albania declares war on the Soviet Union.
5: Possibility of negotiated peace ruled-out by British
7: Iceland occupied by the United States.
8: Yugoslavia dissolved by the Axis.
12: Britain and Soviet Union sign mutual defence
agreement, promising not to sign any form of seperate
peace agreement with Germany.
25: Iran occupied by Britain and the Soviet Union.
5: Germany occupies Estonia.
15: Siege of Leningrad begins.
16: Soviet government evacuated to Kuibyshev.
22: Britain issues an ultimatum to Finland to end war
with Russia or face war with the Allies.
5: Britain declares war on Finland, Hungary and Romania.
7: Japanese aerial attacks on Pearl Harbor, Hong Kong,
Singapore, Malaya, Thailand and Shanghai.
8: Japan invades Malaya
10: British battleships HMS Repulse and HMS Prince of
Wales sunk by Japanese air attack.
11: Germany and Italy declare war on the United States.
12: Britain declares war on Bulgaria after it had
declared war on both Britain and the United States.
16: Japan invades Borneo
17: Siege of Sevastpol begins.
18: Japanese troops land on Hong Kong Island.
25: Hong Kong surrenders.
2: Japanese troops occupy Manila.
25: Japanese troops invade the Solomon Islands.
15: Singapore surrenders to Japanese forces.
22: Darwin, Australia bombed by Japanese air force.
15: Malta is awarded the George Cross by King George VI
for "heroism and devotion".
18: Doolittle Raid on Nagoya, Tokyo and Yokohama.
30: Hitler and Mussolini propose to invade Malta on 10th
4: Battle of the Coral Sea.
21: Invasion of Malta postponed indefintely.
4: American victory at Battle of Midway.
18: Manhattan Project started.
21: Afrika Korps recaptures Tobruk.
28: Operation Blue, the German plan to capture Stalingrad
and the Russian oil fields in the Causascus, begins.
1: First Battle of El Alamein begins.
3: Guadalcanal falls to the Japanese.
27: First Battle of El Alamein ends.
7: Operation Watchtower begins the Battle of Guadalcanal
as American forces invade Gavutu, Guadalcanal, Tulagi and
Tanambogo in the Solomon Islands.
13: General Bernard Montgomery appointed commander of
British Eighth Army in North Africa.
19: Operation Jubilee, a raid by British and Canadian
forces on Dieppe in France, ends in disaster.
22: Brazil declares war on the Axis countries.
30: Luxembourg is formally annexed to the German Reich.
1: Stalingrad is now completely encircled by German
4: British Commandos raid Sark, capturing one German
18: Hitler issues Commando Order, ordering all captured
commandos to be executed immediatly.
22: Conscription age in Britain reduced to 18.
23: Second Battle of El Alamein begins with massive
Allied bombardment of German opositions.
1: Operation Supercharge, the Allied breakout at El
Alamein, begins.
8: Operation Torch, the British and American invasion of
North Africa, begins.
11: German forces occupy Vichy France.
13: Tobruk recaptured by British Eighth Army.
19: Operation Uranus, Soviet counterattack against German
forces in Stalingrad, beings.
7: Commando raid on Bordeaux harbour by British troops.
24: Admiral Darlan assassinated in Algiers.
26: Ferdinand Bonnier de la Chapelle is executed by
firing squad for the the assassination of Admiral Darlan.
14: Casablanca Conference of Allied leaders begins.
31: Large parts of the German 6th Army at Stalingrad,
including Field Marshal Paulus, surrender.
2: The remainder of the 6th Army surrenders.
8: Liberation of Guadalcanal completed.
7: Tunis captured by British First Army.
24: Admiral Karl D?nitz orders the majority of U-Boats
to withdraw from the Atlantic.
4: General Wladyslaw Sikorski and several other members
of the Polish government in exile are killed in what is
ostensibly an air accident in Gibraltar - some suspect
that the 'accident' was actually caused on Stalin's
5: The Battle of Kursk begins.
9: Operation Husky, the Allied invasion of Sicily begins.
25: Mussolini is sacked as Prime Minister of Italy by the
King, replaced with Pietro Badoglio.
17: Americans take Messina, completing the invasion of
22: The Battle of Kursk ends with a heavy defeat for the
German forces.
3: British troops begin invasion of mainland Italy.
9: Iran declares war on Germany, under pressure of Allied
forces who have occupied the country; American troops
being landings in Italy.
23: Italy surrenders to the Allies; Italian Social
Republic founded in German-occupied parts of Northern
13: Italy declares war on Germany.
1: US Marines being landings on Bougainville in the
Solomon Islands.
15: Allied Expeditionary Force for the invasion of Europe
is officially formed.
22 Cairo Conference between Churchill, Roosevelt and
Chiang Kai-shek begins.
28 Tehran Conference between Churchill, Roosevelt and
Stalin begins.
4: Bolivia declares war on the Axis countries.
26: German battle cruiser Scharnhorst sunk.
4: Battle of Monte Cassino begins.
18: Siege of Leningrad ends.
22: Allied landings at Anzio, Italy.
8: The plan for the invasion of France, Operation
Overlord, is confirmed.
14: SHAEF headquarters established in Britain by General
22: Stockholm bombed by the Soviet Union.
19: Hungary occupied by German forces.
24: Orde Wingate killed in plane crash.
8: D-Day for Operation Overlord set for 5th June.
4: Operation Overlord postponed 24 hours due to high
5: Allied troops enter Rome.
6: D-Day: Operation Overlord is launched by the Allies,
to invade Normandy.
7: Bayeux liberated by British troops.
17: Free French troops land on Elba.
18: Elba declared liberated.
20: Siege of Imphal lifted.
26: Cherbourg liberated by American troops.
9: Caen is liberated by the Allies.
18: Infamous death ride of the armoured
divisions as British XIII Corps repulsed by heavy
German counter-attack, losing over 1,500 men and 200
tanks while Germans lose 109 Panzers.
24: Maidanek Concentration Camp is liberated by Soviet
1: Warsaw Uprising by the Polish Home Army commences.
4: Florence liberated by the Allies.
10: Guam liberated by American troops.
19: French Resistance begins uprising in Paris.
23: Romania surrenders.
25: Paris is liberated; De Gaulle and Free French parade
triumphantly down the Champs Elysee.
2: Allied troops enter Belgium.
3: Brussels liberated by British Second Army while Lyon
is liberated by French and American troops.
4: Antwerp liberated by British 11th Armoured Division.
6: Ghent and Liege liberated by British troops.
8: Ostend liberated by Canadian troops; Russians invade
9: Provisional government formed in France by De Gaulle.
10: Luxembourg liberated by US First Army.
11: First Allied troops enter Germany.
17: Operation Market Garden, the attempted liberation of
Arnhem, begins.
19: Nancy liberated by US First Army.
25: British troops pulled out of Arnhem with failure of
Operation Market Garden. Over 6,000 paratroopers are
30: German garrison in Calais surrenders to Canadian
1: Russian troops enter Yugoslavia.
2: Germans finally succeed in putting down Warsaw
Uprising by Polish Home Army in Warsaw.
4: German troops withdrawn from Greece; Allied troops
enter Greece.
5: Canadian troops cross the border into Holland.
14: Athens liberated by Allies.
21: Aachen occupied by US First Army - it is the first
German city to be captured.
2: Canadian troops take Zeebrugge in Belgium; Belgium now
entirely liberated.
4: Remaining Axis forces in Greece surrender.
24: Strasbourg liberated by French troops.
29: Albania liberated by Allies.
3: The Home Guard is stood down.
16: The Battle of the Bulge begins as German forces
attempt a breakthrough in the Ardennes region.
17: Warsaw captured by Red Army troops.
27: The Battle of the Bulge officially ends; Auschwitz
concentration camp is liberated by Soviet troops.
4: Yalta Conference of Allied leaders begins.
13/14: Dresden firebombed by Allied air forces. Large
parts of city destroyed.
19: US Marines invade Iwo Jima
23: US forces raise the American flag at Mt. Suribachi on
Iwo Jima.
25: Turkey declares war against Germany.
20: Mandalay liberated by British 19th Indian Division.
1: US troops invade Okinawa.
4: Ohrdruf concentration camp is liberated by the Allies.
10: Buchenwald concentration camp is liberated.
12: President Roosevelt dies suddenly. Harry Truman
becomes president of the United States.
13: Vienna liberated by Russian troops.
15: Bergen-Belsen concentration camp is liberated; Arnhem
is liberated.
28: Mussolini captured and executed by Italian partisans.
29: Dachau concentration camp is liberated by the US 7th
30: Hitler commits suicide in his bunker in Berlin; the
Eastern and Western Fronts linkup as American forces meet
up with Russians at Ellenburg.
2: Berlin captured by Russian and Polish troops.
3: Rangoon liberated.
5: Mauthausen concentration camp is liberated.
5: German troops in the Netherlands officially surrender
- symbolically, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands takes
the surrender.
7: Germany surrenders unconditionally to the Allies.
8: Ceasefire takes effect at one minute past midnight;
V-E Day in Britain.
9: German garrison in Channel Islands agrees to
16: British troops complete liberation of Channel
6: Norway declares war on Japan.
6: The first nuclear weapon ever used in war, Little Boy,
is dropped on Hiroshima.
8: Soviet Union declares war on Japan.
9: Fat Man is dropped on Nagasaki; Russian troops enter
China and Korea.
15: Emperor Hirohito issues a radio broadcast announcing
Japan's unconditional surrender; V-J Day declared in
16: Emperor Hirohito issues an Imperial Rescript ordering
Japanese forces to cease fire.
30: Royal Navy force under Rear-Admiral Cecil Harcourt
liberates Hong Kong.
2: Japan signs the articles of surrender on the deck of
the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.
3: Japanese troops in the Phillipines and Singapore agree
to surrender to American and British forces respectively.
5: Singapore officially liberated by British and Indian
16: Japanese garrison in Hong Kong officially signs the
instrument of surrender.
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